Hi! The website GNS3Network provides you simplified network labs that can be run on popular software Dynamips. Using this website, you can integrate Cisco IOS on virtual software Dynamips. However, GNS3 provides you a GUI version of Dynamips, so it is much easier to simulate network labs using Cisco IOS and IOU.
Our goal is only to provide simulated labs and articles of Cisco, PaloAlto, Fortigate, and other network devices. So, it is much better to understand the network concept at the GNS3Network website.
However, you must have to arrange virtual images of network devices that can either integrate into GNS3 or in VMware.
The domain name is GNS3Network.com does not associate with gns3.com. So, if you looking for official gns3 website, you can visit gns3.com
So, let’s begin the journey!